Kit 1 : 1×1 Puzzle

Woodworking Puzzle Kit 1

Learn or practice woodworking skills by cutting shapes and designs in the puzzle pieces

Woodworking Kit 1

1 X 1 Wood Puzzle

– 1×1 Wood puzzle pieces
– Cut shapes into puzzle with woodworking tools
– Create any style Puzzle you can think of
– Practice woodworking techniques to make the puzzle

Puzzle Options:

Option 1 :

You Build the whole puzzle
– Use the wood parts included to build the puzzle base and pieces

Option 2:

Base is already put together
You shape and add the Finish color

How it works:

Step 1: Choose puzzle – base types

Step 2: Build a base

Step 3: Shape puzzle pieces with woodworking tools

Step 4: Choose wood finish type

3. Use woodworking tools to shape puzzle pieces

Choose and shape the puzzle to any design

Choose any shapes and pattern and use woodworking tools to cut the shape

4. Choose a Wood Finish

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